Simple Techniques for Accountants to Avoid EOFY Burnout
Simple Techniques for Accountants to Avoid EOFY Burnout
Chasing invoice payments and expense receipts, summarising income and expenses, lodging income tax return, conducting stock take, and collating records of assets are some of the yearly responsibilities of accountants and financial auditors. Lots of businesses have a “love-hate affair” with the end of the financial year (EOFY). Who wouldn’t? It is the season to mind tax returns, bookkeeping, and planning for the new financial year.
EOFY Takes A Toll on Your Well-being
The day-to-day processes of efficiently running a busy office are very stressful. With the EOFY fast approaching, anxiety levels will elevate significantly, impacting your productivity and staff morale. However, the good news is, after all the hard work and countless overtimes come the bonuses, incentives, and an extravagant EOFY party! But before actually thinking of the sunshine after the storm, here are simple but essential tips you can use to get through the overly busy months and burnouts as the EOFY looms.
Tips for A Stress-Free EOFY
EOFY has always been tough for every business. So, to get by, here are some practical ways to reduce stress and anxieties from the tax season.
1. Breathe in—breathe out
If you feel engulfed by the amount of work, stop, and breathe—the body, when under stress, changes breathing patterns. You typically start to breathe small, and shallower breaths prolong anxieties. So, take frequent mini-breaks and fill your lungs with some fresh air. Stand and stretch. You can also shut your eyes for 3 minutes, breathe-in and out. Take a stroll if you can. Five minutes just around your block to inhale cold fresh air can calm you down and clear your head.
2. Positive self-talk
Remember, all your efforts will pay off with celebrations, bonuses, and possibly a raise. When stress takes hold of you, your mind goes into a deeper drive that makes you imagine plenty of negative connotations that leads to actions or outcomes, which are often irrational. Destructive thoughts on failure have a direct impact on your body and mind. Rather than allowing these negative thoughts to control you, learn to talk within yourself positively. Always remind yourself that you have the skills, experiences, knowledge, and all the resources you need to push through and succeed.
3. Embrace mindfulness
Control burnout by training your mind to be mindful. Being mindful is about focusing on what is happening in the present, rather than subjecting your mind on the past or all the work you have to do in the future. When your mind is focused only on the present, you can stop internal and external stressors on their tracks.
By proactively sensing what is happening all around you, you create awareness between the body and mind. Cultivating mindfulness strengthens your needed resilience during stressful scenarios. This is a great tool a lot of business owners use to improve their performance and everyday efficiency.
4. Attend an EOFY Celebration!
An EOFY party is a perfect chance to treat yourself over good food and drinks. This is also when all the staff is celebrated for their hard work and continuous services. Some are rewarded and recognised over certifications or promotions. Don’t miss out on this because you might be the next one to receive an award. So, keep your eyes on the ball.
After the tough workloads are over, an EOFY party awaits you! Reward yourself. You deserve it. Have a free day-off, a holiday to recharge and restore lost energy and motivation, or better yet, visit your loved ones and relax for a day or two.