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How To Take A Screenshot On A Toshiba Laptop With Windows 7/8/10


To date, Toshiba, a Japanese multinational corporation, has provided laptops and accessories and Internet of Things and database solutions since its inception in 1939. Besides the Toshiba Chromebook, Toshiba’s product lines include the Toshiba Satellite and Toshiba Tecra. However, how to screenshot on Toshiba laptop? In this tutorial, the solution to this question will be provided.

A PNG image may be saved for each page on the screen by taking screenshots. Friends can be shown as an embodiment of the Toshiba laptop’s display. Take a screenshot of a software program using a Toshiba Chromebook or laptop. In addition, you may snap screenshots of movie and gaming content. Everything you see on your Toshiba laptop should be saved in case you ever need to restore it.

Taking Screenshots On A Toshiba Laptop With Fonelab

The Snipping Tool and third-party Toshiba screen capture software are currently the only two ways to snap a screenshot on a Toshiba laptop. You don’t need to do anything except reading and follow the instructions.

Method 1

Using the Print Screen Key on a Toshiba Laptop, you may take a screenshot of the screen.

It is possible to take screenshots using Toshiba’s pre-set keystrokes. If you’re using a newer version of Windows, this may not work.

A screenshot of a Toshiba laptop running Windows 7:

  • Step 1: Click the Print Screen button on your keyboard.
  • Step 2: launch Paint.
  • Step 3:Using Paint, paste the Toshiba screenshot.

A Toshiba laptop with Windows 8/10 and a screenshot:

  • Step 1: Press the Windows and Print Screen keys on your keyboard at the same time to begin.
  • Step 2: Open the Pictures folder on your computer.
  • Step 3: Open Screenshots to take a picture of your Toshiba laptop

Using the Snipping Tool on a Toshiba Laptop, you may take a screenshot.

Method 2

Using a Toshiba laptop, you may take a full-screen or customized screenshot. Snippet options include Free-form, Rectangular, Window, and Full-screen modes, each with advantages and disadvantages.

Step 1: Use the Start or Search menu to locate the Snipping tool.

Step 2: Take a screenshot by selecting the mode from the Mode or New options.

Step 3: you’ll choose the region of the screen you wish to save.

Step 4: Save the Toshiba snapshot by selecting Save Snip and then selecting Save.

Method 3

Toshiba is the third option. This is a screenshot of a ScreenSketch drawing.

It’s easy to use ScreenSketch to take screenshots of Toshiba. Here’s a step-by-step guide to follow.

Step 1: Section displays on the right side of the screen after pressing the Windows button and W key. ScreenSketch is the best option.

Step 2:  you may choose to modify or save the screenshot directly.

Method 4

If you want to add anything to your screenshot, this is a great option. PNG is the standard image format for screenshots. FoneLab Screenshot Tool allows you to take high-quality screenshots of your Toshiba laptop.

Laptops from HP, Toshiba, Huawei, Lenovo, Acer, and almost every other manufacturer may be seen here.

You may use a drawing panel to alter a screenshot or video clip. Full-screen or custom-sized video or photo capture options are available.

Make sure the screen capture area is precisely the right size in terms of width and length.

Step 1: Open the laptop’s screenshot capture application.

Step 2: Snapshot mode is the option of choice here.

Step 3: Use your left-click mouse to drag and create a rectangle on the screen.

Step 4: It’s time to choose an appropriate name for your project.

Step 5: To receive the Save As… pop-up window, press the Save button five times.

Step 6: Save the Toshiba laptop screenshot in PNG, BMP, JPG, GIF, and other suitable formats.


If you wish to take a screenshot of a video, you may do so. Run FoneLab and choose the Video Recorder option from the drop-down menu. Using the camera-like screenshot icon, you may take a screenshot on your Toshiba laptop while you’re recording the Toshiba screen video.FoneLab Screen Recorder is superior to the two ways mentioned.

In addition, you may use FoneLab to capture video and music from your laptop’s screen with ease. The lossless recording is possible for both system audio and microphone audio. Beginners will find it easy to use because of its unique design for those who wish to record or take screenshots on their Toshiba laptop; FoneLab Screen Recorder is a must-have application.