In our country, six out of ten women who suffer from symptoms related to menopause that affect their quality of life.
Menopause is a stage in the life of women that normally develops between the ages of 45 and 55 and which is a special moment not only due to changes and physical discomfort, but also due to other less visible symptoms such as emotional disturbances.
Despite this, in our country, six out of ten women who suffer from symptoms related to menopause that affect their quality of life do not go to the consultation in search of information or help.
Are menopause the set of symptoms or is it a state?
Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation. This process begins because the follicles in the ovaries are depleted, which eliminates the secretion of estrogens and progesterone. The disappearance of ovulation and hormones causes all the climacteric syndrome that accompanies menopause.
At what age is it considered “normal” for menopause to begin?
The normal thing is to have it between the ages of 45 and 55, but there are very early cases of women who have it before the age of 30. The menopause that appears between the ages of 35 and 45 is not considered so early, but it is very worrying above all because the fertile capacity of the woman disappears.
According to recent data, more than 300,000 women in the US suffer precocious or early menopause. Why is this? Has it been checked whether there are external factors influencing this situation?
In most cases, the cause is surgical as a result of interventions that affect the ovaries, eliminating ovarian functionality in women. But apart from these infections or interventions, like the case of a hysterectomy, genetic factors also play a role and it seems that, in some way, possibly stress.
What does menopause mean in a woman’s life?
A multitude of changes that, at times, greatly alter her life during this stage. But it is important to remember that everyone has a solution. It must be taken into account that in addition to the physical symptoms such as not having periods or suffering from hot flashes or insomnia, there are other factors that although they are not so visible are equally annoying such as vaginal dryness, emotional alterations, changes in body shape.
Of the numerous symptoms, which ones have you observed that cause the greatest rejection in women?
Hot flashes and insomnia are the most common and annoying. Hot flashes result in a sudden sensation of heat and anxiety that causes increased blood flow to the skin of the neck, face and chest with sweating and palpitations, causing significant discomfort. But there are others not as visible as vaginal dryness that causes discomfort during intercourse, since it is less lubricated, causing discomfort in the life of the woman. This is a symptom that many women suffer in silence and that is not treated regularly.
Is the menopausal character a myth?
In this stage, emotional changes are frequent, being suddenly irritated or feeling a sudden urge to cry … But sometimes they occur because there is a depression prior to menopause that worsens with the alteration or failure of hormones during this stage.
Does menopause make you fat?
Changes in body shape, including obesity, are another of the classic alterations of this stage. In fact, at age 20 we have a body fat mass of around 26% and at 50 it is close to 40%.
What a gift this menopause …
And not only that, in this process the cardiovascular risk and the options of suffering from diabetes are increased. And we cannot forget osteoporosis, a skeletal disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass that deteriorates the microarchitecture of the bone, which leads to increased fragility and the possibility of fractures. This is the cause that sometimes our height decreases and that some women suffer kyphosis, physiological curvature of the spine or ‘hump’, or even breaks in the head of the femur, which is tremendous because it hinders movement and in some cases provokes surgical interventions. But the important thing is to stress that all these effects can be prevented with the right treatments.
Any good news? Can we do something to cushion its effects? We can do it with what’s called the Menopause Switch!
What is it?
Basically Menopause Switch is inspired by the author’s real experience in his personal practice. The author has conducted a lengthy study of menopausal symptoms which ultimately shows that most women have been lied to all along. The authors argue that although menopause is a phase of normal women’s lives they can actually avoid hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain, and of course the end of intimacy. The bottom line is that menopause should not be feared.
In The Menopause Switch, Dr. Carissa Alinat shows us all that her advice is backed up by scientific facts. The author focuses on scientific facts and related real solutions. The Menopause Switch consists of steps that will explain to you how hormones work and what might happen when something goes wrong with your hormones.
Of course Dr. Carissa did not stop there. He also provides solutions on how you can find the right blueprint to restore the hormonal balance in your body. Take it easy because Carissa’s method will not rely on drugs that have only disguised pain.
One thing is for sure, The Menopause Switch involves:
– Self love and stress reduction.
– Setting daily food consumption.
– How to get in the mood to make love again after you experience early menopause.
– Reasons why you should improve your sleep and how to do it.
– How to control stress hormones so they don’t interfere with your chances of losing weight.
– How to deal with vaginal dryness which will certainly affect the quality of your sexual relationship with your husband.
– How do you solve this classic problem; Fat content seems to focus on your lower back after you go through menopause.
– 27 delicious and healthy recipes to help you navigate your menopause.
– How do you avoid the risks of post-menopausal aging such as thin hair, brittle nails, and much more.
– And finally… how do you restore your confidence in menopause!