Fresh Perspectives on Global Stories

An Anti-Aging Secret: That Not Many People Know About!


This is not a secret, but it is something a lot of people don’t know about. I am sure in the future more people will pay attention to this particular “tip”. If you want to age well, reduce sugar consumption.

You must be wondering, how is sugar connected to aging at all?

Here’s how: sugar has been proven to be responsible for the creation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) when it binds to proteins.

AGEs are key players in skin aging.

AGEs don’t just float around in our bodies. We have specific receptors called RAGE that receive them. The activation of these receptors triggers oxidative stress and inflammation.

Guess what?

We have RAGE receptors in our dermis! AGEs affect the removal of old collagen from the skin; in fact, glycated collagen leads to a decreased transformation of collagen III fibers into collagen I.

Decreased collagen turnout is responsible for the loss of elasticity and wrinkles’ formation.

Avoiding sugar will help you limit and slow down the glycation process, which is a physiological one.

Sugar is not the only player when it comes to AGEs. However, sugar is the only thing that doesn’t have any nutritional value so I would definitely drastically reduce the amount you consume.

Glucose and fructose can play an important role in glycation. But toasted bread, barbecued meats, and dark-colored soft drinks contain high levels of AGEs.

Fruits mostly contain sugar and water, so ideally, you should avoid those, too. Since most people react quite strongly to this advice, I will point out that I am not saying you should never touch fruit in your life again, only that you should reduce consumption.

Therefore, you have to add such fruits in your meal plan that are low in sugar content, like avocado or berries.

Moreover, dietary habits can defeat AGEs in the human body. At first, your diet plan should contain low levels of monosaccharides (yes, carbs). Because these are containing the glycation phenomenon in high amounts.

The cooking methods of water-based such as steaming and boiling, are producing a logarithmically less quantity of AGEs.

Therefore, other several aromatic species and herbs are believed to be able to reduce the endogenous production of AGEs like:

  • Cinnamon
  • Oregano
  • Cloves
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • α-lipoid acid
  • Carnitine
  • Flavonoids
  • Resveratrol
  • Vitamins
  • Zinc and manganese.

It’s quite apparent sugar is terrible for overall health. And it’s bad for anti-aging, too. Make a favor for yourself and minimize the consumption of sugar. You’re going to notice improvements in your skin right away. Moreover, in the long term, when you’ll be able to spend more time with your family, it will be beneficial for you then.